Over 15 years ago, Body Flossing™ began as a supplement in Arlene’s quest for fitness and relief from her chronic pain.  With the knowledge gained while undergoing her training to become a Pilates Instructor, the at-home practice she'd been using to relieve her pain had a framework and she started to understand how it could enhance her fitness.  Over the years Arlene has helped clients with a wide variety of symptoms and ailments using these simple techniques she developed.

Now she teaches Body Flossing™ in her Pilates Studio practice. Body Flossing falls within the emerging field of Fascia Research that has been increasing exponentially for the last 20 years, at least.  Body Flossing™ is the way Arlene and her clients keep their dysfunctional fascia patterns at bay so they can live more comfortably and exercise more productively.  

The aim is simple: Reduce compressive patterns, regain lost ranges of motion, eliminate pain caused by soft tissue misalignments, and train the newly release tissues (muscle, fascia, ligaments, etc.) in a better dynamic alignment to create fluid,  comfortable movement potential.  Arlene has done this herself and benefited from 20 pain free years in the process.  

 Body Flossing™ helps prepare you for any kind of physical training.  Using various implements–both simple and complex–clients are able to penetrate deep patterns to get to the source of chronic pain and misalignment. This release of chronic tightness allows clients to find healthier movement patterns that lead to lasting fitness. 

Why call it “Body Flossing”? Use of the term “flossing” implies a frequent, if not daily, practice. We think of it as an antidote for modern restrictions to our inherent need and desire for movement.