
Getting Out of Collapse & Staying There: Out of Pain

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We inadvertently attracted hyper-mobile clients because we were known for helping clients get out of long-term pain. 15 years later ,we have an understanding of hyper-mobility that supports you and teaches self-sufficiency. Pain, collapse, mysterious, unexpected ailments, confusion, fear and loss. We have developed programming for the hyper-mobile client. We are not surprised, we are prepared to hear your symptoms and develop a plan for you. This has become our specialty. We work through the Fascial Lens. We work through the bio-tensegral model evolving from research of the myofascial tissue and its biotensegrity. Each hyper-mobile person has a different suite of anatomical concerns and symptoms. We design a program for this very mysterious, variable, moving body. We help you to find Joy in Body again.

We recommend an Immersive Strategy with Fascia Release followed by continued strengthening of the structure that you’ve recreated.

Understanding Dysfunctional, Hyper-mobile Fascia

Moving torsions; unexpected range of motion; unexpected painful restrictions to movement; locked rotational patterns, visceral dysfunctions; circulatory problems, immune system problems; neurological disorders; pain…pain…pain…fatigue…injuries…

Laxity at the major joints disrupts stability and structure. The long lines of fascia between the joints seems to attempt to create stability by tightening up. Fascia creates rigidity when forces are distributed unevenly, out of balance, or repetitively. Once anatomical alignments are weakened or distorted, forces are transmitted in directions the body doesn’t thrive in. Most importantly, the hyper-mobile client has layered, historical physical dysfunctions that are acquired over time. These layers must be unravelled to be truly understood and reversed when possible. Kyphosis proceeds forward shoulder which proceeds costochondritis, which proceeds gastroparesis…. On and On, layer by layer of influential layer as the Body collapses, turns in on itself. The thighs internally rotate, feet invert or evert in an attempt to keep you standing.

Fascia not only stores energy, but it can trap energy too. Moving becomes effortful because you are fighting a constant current of tight fascia that demands more energy to move than is normal. Body Flossing increases proprioception, reduces inflammation and frees you of chronic pain. Followed by specific training for hypermobile bodies can solidify your body and create stability.

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Fascia moves or inhibits movement.

It is possible to change this cause of pain.

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Rebuilding Structure that’s been Lost

Hyper-Mobile folks want to move—as we all do. They seek it out, sometimes more than others because of their common conditions: deficits in proprioception, lack of definition in space and time, pain as distraction. Strength based on a sound foundation is critical for the hyper-mobile client. Understanding the structure is equally important. We teach you how to manage your own body, to recognize when you can make yourself feel better. When you can reduce your pain yourself you improve your life, and gain the confidence that comes from self-sufficiency.

Once you learn to release the undue tensions created in the body you will learn the basic exercises you need to maintain your structure without much intervention. Recognize that for a period of time you need training. We call it Essential Training. Anyone can benefit from it but the hyper-mobile must have this to improve their lives.