What is Myofascia?

The Myofascia is the connective tissue. It's the architectural, fluid, moving structure that allows us to move dynamically.  If we were to simply move from our muscles and bones, we'd move more like robots. And in fact, moving like a machine, living like a machine, is unhealthy and creates dis-ease in our bodies. Fascia, by its nature and properties, is designed to adapt to change

Why haven’t I heard of this before?

The fascia has been an subject of discussion and research within the movement industry for more than 20 years, however it’s only in the last 5-10 years starting to become part of the broader discussion of fitness. As research improves, we continue to deepen our understanding of fascia and practical applications to address it. We used to 'roll out the feet' with tennis balls and do simple roller work in the 90's.  These techniques have grown into a burgeoning industry for myofascial release both to professional and consumer audiences.  

What are Fascial Patterns?

We are born with basic, anatomy-specific fascial patterns.  Individual patterns are also created and defined by how we use our bodies. In other words, our patterns will adapt to meet the demands we place on our bodies. And they change with our demands, our traumas, our habits.  As fascial patterns tighten, they create a sense of weight at the site, the tissue tightens, becomes more dense, recoils, knots, buckles, in extreme tightness it can even feel pleated. Few can move like a ballet dancer, but we're all basically born with the same equipment and capacity for movement.  There are genetic factors, but recent science even suggest that even our DNA can be changed.  So, we're a movable feast of fluid, physical potential. 

What does this have to do with me?

Do you sit all the time?  Do you lean on one side?  Had any athletic experience?  Repetitive Tasks in your life? Your Fascia changes depending on how you have inhabited your body and the accumulated experiences you've had.  Injuries, surgeries, repetitive motion of any kind, sedentary living habits--all these will create an evolved, complex, accumulated pattern in the your fascial matrix which can often lead to chronic aches and pains as well as inhibition to exercise.